I’m Parenting My Grandchildren.

This is not the life you planned.

You would never think of your grandchildren being raised outside the family.
Now, you are giving your all for them.

What about you?

Your emotional, social, health, economic, and career needs are important, too.
Taking care of yourself increases your ability to care for the children.
You deserve to have a life you want. The children will reap the benefit.

I am a coach for Unexpected Parenting.
I help grandparents make the transition to parenting-again work.

I will coach you to

  • define realistic expectations of yourself in shifting from grandparent to parent
  • find and access extra resources and supports, if needed
  • clarify your roles as grandparent to grandchildren outside your home compared to that of parent to the grandchild in your home
  • create strategies to protect or promote your work-life balance, health, financial stability, social life, and spiritual life
  • explore ways to still fulfill the life goals you put on hold

The coveted role of grandparent is a unique and highly anticipated relationship.
It has now changed
for you.

Take this is the opportunity to purposefully design your new relationship to serve you as much as it does the children you love.

Coaching is an innovative, sensitive, personal resource that can help put you in charge, once again, of your defining the quality of your life, the life you deserve.

Contact me to learn more about how coaching works.